Flyer |

Flyer |

Flyer |

Flyer |

Awards |

Some of the raffle items |

Some of the raffle items |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

Announcements |

"Pops" Gutschke tribute DVD |

Presenting the placque |

Start of the tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

Smogoleskis |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

Great eats |

Great eats |

Bakesale |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

Uncle Lar and the placques |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

sponsors |

sponsors |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

Raffle presentation |

Raffle presentation |

Raffle presentation |

Raffle presentation |

Third place |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

"Pops" Gutschke Tourney |

The last 8-ball shot |

The Winners |